Posted in November 2007

Don’t legalize ‘pot’

This is in response to James H. Matson’s Nov. 8 letter to the editor, “Legalize marijuana.” In that letter, he says, “America imprisons more of its citizenry than any other country in the world. That fact makes me ashamed to be an American.”

Russia, China, North Korea and most other counties have laws against illegal drugs, and drunken driving also. Rather than through legalization, the better way to avoid jail is by not using “pot” or alcoholic beverages.

Danny W. Shultz
East Brady

Drinkers’ reasoning stupid

Allegheny County wants to place a 10 percent tax on alcohol. Drinkers interviewed on television’s “booze news” say they will go to Butler, Armstrong or one of the other surrounding counties to do their drinking.

Those opinions show just how stupid drunks are.

If a beer costs $2 in Butler County, it will cost $2.20 in Allegheny County.

Gas now costs more than $3 a gallon. Think how many beers a drinker would have to drink just to “break even” drinking in another county.

Then the drinker would risk getting a drunken-driving ticket.

Danny W. Shultz
East Brady
