Posted in 2009

Good places to live

I think people who use marijuana should buy or rent houses next to those of Butler Eagle letter writers Dr. Amesh A. Adalja and James Matson, as well as columnist Kathleen Parker.

All three support legalization of marijuana.

Obviously, none of those three people ever would report marijuana users to police, since users are harmless and innocent.

Danny W. Shultz
East Brady

Higher taxes for ‘boozers’

I am writing in response to the Oct. 21 Kathleen Parker column, “Reefer sanity: a rational marijuana position.”

Legalizing dope would be saying, “Go ahead and do it. It’s legal.”

I don’t read in the paper that “dopes” are being treated any worse than drunk drivers or drunks urinating in parking lots.

Tobacco is being taxed to death, and there are those who want to tax “fat foods” also. So why aren’t we taxing “boozers” more?

Danny W. Shultz
East Brady

IT’S Occc**tober & the Gggg*you*Weee Beer, Wine, Whiskey & dope dissolving GOB&Lins are coming T*ewe a potty near you. They pour Booze down their thro*oats & dope up their Gggg*ewe*eee GOBB*ling SHHH*nooze*lles of SNOT.
They are the IN*CRUD*ible GOBBS of dissolving Gggg*ewe*ZZZZ!

Danny W. Shultz Prohibitionist dragon fish

Start small on health reform

Why don’t we start out small with health care reform for the 40 million uninsured Americans, say $1,200 for two doctor office visits, two dental office visits and one eye doctor visit per year, and also use some of it toward any drugs prescribed?

Each visit or drug would require a $10 co-pay to cut down on abuse. If they exceed their $1,200 limit, they would need to purchase additional private insurance or hope the government would bail them out.

That would come to $48 billion ($1,200 multiplied by 40 million uninsured). Over 10 years that would amount to $480 billion — only half of the $1 trillion that is now being talked about.

Danny W. Shultz
East Brady

BOO oozed*news says moderate amounts of alcohol will prevent strokes & heart disease.
What they didn’t say! It takes 1,000 quarts a day so you can live like ***a drunken rat***.

The Prez*sez it’s okay to smoke **dope** if your dope doctor says it is okay. So, smoke dope & don’t listen to ex-little old 1st ladies who told you to JUST say no!
JUST don’t think!
JUST **be** a socially, physically & mentally challenged Bowling **pin**HEAD!

Danny W. Shultz dragon fish

YES, I know. If you kicked all of our dopes & drunks out of college all of our rich dopes & drunks would go to college in Mexico and Canada. Let them have them!

Danny W. Shultz the loveable shamrock winged dragon fish

DEAR: 60 minutes college presidents,
Students already get taught the hazards of alcohol & drugs in gradeschool & high school. It hasn’t stopped them from underage drinking or doping even before college and it won’t until college presidents start kicking dopes & drunks out!

Danny W. Shultz the loveable shamrock winged dragonfish

Opt for savings plan

While the government is throwing away the money of grandkids and great-great-great-grandkids, I would like to see the government deposit $1,000 for each person in the United States into the Thrift Savings plan that Congress and all government employees have.

At 300 million people, times $1,000, that would be $300 billion.

That way, everyone would own a piece of the stock market and America. It might help the stock market and the IRAs.

If that were to happen, it might give employees and employers incentive to add to it in the future, if the government would add some tax breaks for it.

Danny W. Shultz
East Brady

Nation needs a favor

If the president, Congress, governors and state legislators wanted to do us a favor and help get the economy going and tackle the deficit, they would raise the tax on what for some of them is their drug of choice — booze — then lay themselves off.

Danny W. Shultz
East Brady
