Posted in October 2012

IT was drunken OLD***FOOLS night. The drunken old Goats & Bats sat around the Bar with snot Booogers oooz*ing from their noses into their Booogerd Booo*Ooooze glasses when the old witch Barf maid squealed EEEE*UUUU & threw*up a Gooie P***uked old eyeball.

Danny W. Shultz E*Uing P*Uing & Booing drunken OLD***FOOLS everywhere.

More money, more lies

Exaggeration! Both political parties do it.

All the money they raise just means which party can tell us the most lies.

Danny W. Shultz
East Brady

EEE * UUU To All Gooie Drunken Snot Booogerd. Old Goats & Bats everywhere.

Danny W. Shultz. E*Uing & Boooing Drunken OLD**SNOT. Booo *Gerd. Goats & Bats Everywhere.

SHOT of SNOT Boogers with your beer for all drunks on Halloween my Treat!!!

Danny W. Shultz E*Uing Gooie Snot*Booo*gers with your beer everywhere.

Vote for best liar

As voters head for the polls next month, they should be told to vote for the best liar, because lies sound better than the truth.

Danny W. Shultz
East Brady
