Posted in June 2017

25 YEARS AGO after Tobacco was sued Booze doctors & researchers found plenty of things *unhealthy* with Doping & Boozing.
Then 20 YEARS AGO except for all the Dope & Booze **ARRESTS** Booze News & The STATE made Boozing & Doping healthy because they are made from GRAPES, other fruits, grains, vegetables, flowers & now weeds so The STATE could get out of the Boozing Businesses & into the Doping Businesses so they can sell licenses everywhere forever like they do Gambling!

Danny W. Shultz

YOU Have gotten so far into doping & Boozing at your H.S. & College parties you can’t stop now. I now pronounce you professionals Boozers & Dopers!

Danny W Shultz

BIG Dope & Bigger Booze Didn’t become healthy until Big tobacco got sued. Then everyone FellIn Love with Dope & Booze & Lived Behaverial Healthy with their nut crackers ever after.

Danny W Shultz

**NON VIOLENT** Harmless & Innocent Dopes & Drunks cause more deaths in the U.S. more often than Alcoholics & Addicts whether they get High or Drunk weekly, monthly, Holidays or once a year simply because there are 250 million more of them.
Then we label them Addicts or Alcoholics to save our Dopedness & Drunkedness.

Danny W. Shultz

BOOZE Industry Lies, Hides, Covers *Up & denies Just like tobacco!

Danny W Shultz

I WOULD QUIT these ads if your Booze & Dope Doctors came up with a vaccine that keeps people from getting high or drunk & they would eat their grapes or cereals straight or suck on their big toes instead of smoking Pot or drinking Beer Wine or Whiskey

Danny W. Shultz

WOW!!! My ears & eyes are Burning seeing & hearing all those Booze commercials on TV & Radio yesterday.

Danny W. Shultz
