Posted in July 2014

PEOPLE say they like The Taste of Alcohol or Tobacco. Then why do they throw up the first time they get drunk and cough & gag the first time they smoked if they liked the taste? After years of addiction taste is just another stupid excuse.

Danny W. Shultz, Boo*ing Stupid Wet & Gooie excuses everywhere.

Drink makes drunks

As I see it, the people who are complaining about not being allowed to get drunk at the concerts on the streets of Butler are the drunks and business owners who create drunks: bars, clubs, liquor stores, beer distributors and booze restaurants.

Danny W. Shultz
East Brady

AS I See It! It is the drunks & the businesses that create drunks **bars, clubs, liquor stores, beer distributors & booze restaurants** that are complaining about not allowing wet & gooie doper & drunks at concerts on the streets of Butler.

Danny W. Shultz Boo***ing Wet & Gooie concert * tears everywhere.
