Posted in November 2009

Good places to live

I think people who use marijuana should buy or rent houses next to those of Butler Eagle letter writers Dr. Amesh A. Adalja and James Matson, as well as columnist Kathleen Parker.

All three support legalization of marijuana.

Obviously, none of those three people ever would report marijuana users to police, since users are harmless and innocent.

Danny W. Shultz
East Brady

Higher taxes for ‘boozers’

I am writing in response to the Oct. 21 Kathleen Parker column, “Reefer sanity: a rational marijuana position.”

Legalizing dope would be saying, “Go ahead and do it. It’s legal.”

I don’t read in the paper that “dopes” are being treated any worse than drunk drivers or drunks urinating in parking lots.

Tobacco is being taxed to death, and there are those who want to tax “fat foods” also. So why aren’t we taxing “boozers” more?

Danny W. Shultz
East Brady
