IF CITIES in some states are having trouble raising Revenue instead of growing more legalized medical pottyheads they should add a tax to drunken Brrarf heads like P.P.burgh did a couple years ago.
Danny W. Shultz likes taxes for Booie Gooies
IF CITIES in some states are having trouble raising Revenue instead of growing more legalized medical pottyheads they should add a tax to drunken Brrarf heads like P.P.burgh did a couple years ago.
Danny W. Shultz likes taxes for Booie Gooies
OH. Superior S.A.D.D. & M.A.D.D. Milky Way Galaxie Beings!
The last thing I would like to be Re*Born as is some kind of Dope or Booze.
Because who would want to be loved by a bunch of JERKS???
Danny W. Shultz Booies Yooie Gooies.