Posted in 2016

ALCOHOL & DRUGS are a LAZY stinky way of thinking you are having FUN!!
Even if you are a doctor, nurse, judge, lawyer, policeman, newspaper reporter, athlete, movie star or other professional!

Danny W. Shultz, Booing LAZY stinking Dope & drunk PEOPLE everywhere forever

AS Dinky & Stinky As Movies, TV, Rock & Roll, Athletes, & other Artists, Stars & Professional people make young people and teenagers think Dope or Booze adds to their creativeness they will be Dinky & Stinky everywhere forever.

Danny W. Shultz !!!Boooo!!!

AS Dinky & Stinky AS Dopes & Drunks are people will not cure Dopiness & Drunkiness as long as you make young people & teenagers think getting Drunk or High is funny & something to be proud of!

Danny W. Shultz Boo*sss Dinkiness & Stinkiness everywhere forever.
