FROM the dopes least wanted list!

I doubt those missing court appearances for possession of drugs are among the dopes The Goo*bee*nator & Booze News want released from prison because dope peddlers are all so harmless and innocent.

Danny W. Shultz Boo*ies you Goo*ies

STICKY stinking Beer Bobble sucking goo*goos are really Gooo*Eeee!

Danny W. Shultz Boo*ies the Goo*ies

DRUNKS are goo*ed to their seats until they fall off & are goo*ed to the floor.

Danny W. Shultz Boo*ies the goo*ies

KIDS**Exposed** To Dope & Booze Will Try Them!!!

D.W. Shultz

Experiences shape lives

Are some dogs, cats, birds, bees and other insects and animals
born homosexual?

I find that hard to believe.

Is a smoker born one? Is a drunk or drug user born one?

I find that hard to believe.

It is more likely their lifestyles are, for the most part, chosen from childhood or from happenings later on, when they were exposed to and experimented with those things.

Danny W. Shultz
East Brady

DO you think??? Teenagers who drink do so because they are exposed to family, relatives, & families of friends who do drink Booze & get drunk!!!

Danny W. Shultz voo*doo Boo Fish

INSTEAD of selling Booze in Grocery stores where people & kids who don’t drink will be exposed to the drunks who will be buying it why not sell it in churches where people who buy it will be exposed to some religion?

Danny W. Shultz voo*doo Boo Fish

TWIS STANKS*giving & at the table sits full of Barf drunken Stink*givers.
With stink gas here & stinks gas there it stunk everywhere.
And to All you Stunken drunken Stanks*givers I wish you Stinks this Christmas & a stankier New Year.

From: Your Be*loveable Voo*Doo Razz*Berry Boo Pie Fish Danny W. Shutz

Ticket for troopers?

On Nov. 5, I followed two state police cruisers through the city of Butler.

They were going 40 mph in a 25 mph zone, without any flashing lights or sirens, between the red light at the Little Red Schoolhouse and the red light at Monroe and East Jefferson streets.

Can a citizen give them a speeding ticket?

Danny W. Shultz
East Brady

I am not a religious person. That doesn’t mean I can’t be against abortion.

Even people who aren’t religious can see there is something wrong with destroying a living thing that would have become a person someday.

What difference does it make to the embryo or fetus if it is done with a coat hanger or by a doctor in a clinic? It is being destroyed.

I guess if we want to live like we’re back in the Middle Ages, chopping living people into pieces is OK.

Danny W. Shultz
East Brady
