Posted in 2003

DEAR: Watermelon,
Would your like to raise your seeds in a state like Utah where crud is illegal
or Nevada where most crud is legal?

Danny W. Shultz, E.W.

Iraq following pattern?

In the June 25 Butler Eagle, Nicholas Kristof wrote a column about Muslim extremists threatening to kill anyone who sells alcohol. Then a Christian who owned a liquor store was killed.

We might not be Muslim or believe as they do, but alcohol and illegal drugs are responsible for killing and maiming a lot of young people.

Just before Prohibition, our own parents, grandparents and Christians bopped on the head a lot of drunks and bartenders who sold alcohol.

My own mother used to chase an old drunk around the outside of our house, whacking his head with a broom, after Prohibition was repealed.

They lived during a time when that kind of thing was considered necessary to make people think and believe as they did.

Maybe Iraq and other Muslim countries are in that stage today.

In our country, smokers sue tobacco companies for getting them addicted to their product and fat people sue fast-food companies for making them obese.

We do what we think is necessary to get people to believe in the things we do, just as Muslims do.

Since some people keep pushing their ideas on us today; maybe a bopping on the head is a good thing.

Danny W. Shultz
East Brady R.D. 1

Beer is not health food

On a Sunday morning’s “This Week with George Stephanopolous,” George Will said “old” George “read my lips” President George H.W. Bush in 1991 helped bring about a luxury tax on a barrel of beer, doubling it to $18 from $9, costing poor, old Joe Six-Pack an extra $1.35 a case.

Well now, if Joe drank a case of beer a day, in a month it would cost him an extra $40.

Wow! That’s a lot.

George Will also said doctors tell us beer is a health food, so the tax should be removed.

I would like to ask: Is beer like a glass of orange juice or a vitamin pill? I always was told beer has alcohol in it, like wine and whiskey.

And isn’t alcohol a drug like aspirin instead of a health food like orange juice?

Since beer, wine and whiskey have 7 percent or greater alcohol content going into people’s bloodstream, only a “social-logically-challenged” person could think they are good for you.

Danny W. Shultz
East Brady R.D. 1

DANNY W. SHULTZ The BUG Makes faces at drunk drivers, spits green slime on their windshields, & makes them mess their pants at sobriety check points.

Yes, it’s incredible BUG!!!

HUM! Dearest: Little Emerald lace wing.
They misspelled Barf Garden on your daddy’s T-shirt again. It is spelled with an **arf** after the letter (B) not an **eer**!
I will bring a bucket of paint & a paint brush to the roller skating rink next week & we will fix it for him.
Okay, little lassie?

Your humblest Bug Danny W. Shultz

HUM! The new liquor labeling will require a picture of gummy legged enuresis daddies with loused, fruit flied, & wormied puke faces.

The Humming Leprechaun Bug Danny W. Shultz

Drugs wrecked life

A letter to the editor bearing a brutal, non-Danny tale of drug abuse too raw to ignore. While Danny’s tone is generally teasing and light-hearted, this unlucky correspondent reminds us that the consequences of addiction are no joke.


I’m the man who was very much in love and a drug user. I had no control over my mind and soul on July 3. I hurt every time I look into a mirror or want to talk with my family. I have only seen my two boys once since July 3, and that really hurts.

Still, to this day, I love my wife and am very sorry about the shooting. If I could take back that day, I would. However, I have to live with it. When starting my day, I talk to God; I talk with Him all day and pray before I fall asleep.

I am so glad that I’m alive today, even though I live life with one eye and one ear, and my left part of my body works like that of a stroke victim. I may never get back full use of my body, but I have to live with it for the rest of my life.

I am reminded every day that I tried to kill myself, and know that the 9 mm. bullet is still in my head. That’s where drugs took me in life. Yes, it was a direct result of drugs. I have more than six months of sobriety, and I see much clearer for the first time in my life.

I have four beautiful kids, and I messed that up.

As I sit here in the Butler County Prison, I am dumbfounded to hear inmates say that they can’t wait to get out and party. My thought is that when someone really wants help, he can’t get it. Meanwhile, these men who really don’t want help get it.

I really do want help, and I will prove it when I get out. I’m not just saying that because I’m in jail; I want to prove it. I long to live a clean and sober life outside of prison.

My advice is to think before picking up a drink or drug — think about whether it’s really worth it.

I was a drug user for 31 years, and now, at 39 years of age, I’m scared to death of drugs and alcohol and what they might do to me next.

Frank Zurzolo
Butler County Prison

HUM *pitty* dumb*itty!
Another Booze study promoting booze. Does your TV news station ever get sick of itself?
It’s like when you were losing cigarette advertising on TV in the 1960’s. Hump*itty *dump!

The Hummer Bug Danny W. Shultz

HUM! Why have you scientific slobber worms done so many Booze studies in the last 5 years that say the same thing over & over?
Live forever.
Do beer & wine companies give you more money than fish, aspirin, & tea companies.

The Hum*Bug Danny W. Shultz

OH, hummm! Beer & Wine are the boring drugs of choice of TV news tapeworms & fat nosed nightcrawlers with Gubby unflushed potty worms for brains. Dummb*bummbs!

The Hum Bug Danny W. Shultz
