Posted in 2012

DEAR: Drunken Prog **nauseus**ticating Politicians! Who cares what you are not going to do if elected? The world is coming to an end in December anyway.

Danny W. Shultz Booing Gooie drunken Prog**nauseus** ticating politicians everywhere

Two months ago, on a late-night talk show, an economist said if it wasn’t for the Bush tax cuts, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the Obama bailouts and stimulus program, we would have a balanced budget today and a much smaller federal debt.

The way I see it, Republicans and Democrats spend and spend on various programs to try to get voters to re-elect them — then borrow and borrow to pay for those programs.

I think we should have a third party — an independent, moderate party not dependent on the Republican or Democratic parties’ money to get elected.

That independent party’s platform should include the following:

(1) End tax cuts for everyone earning more than $1 million for the first two years, and for anyone earning more than $100,000 after that.

(2) Enact a federal sales tax to pay for veterans programs, and in 2018 begin using money from that tax to also help pay military and war costs. Use the federal income tax savings resulting from the sales tax to pay down the federal debt.

(3) Stop new spending. America’s children have benefited from many of the giveaways during the past 12 years; over the next 20, 30, 40 or 50 years, they’ll be faced with paying for all of the borrowing that has occurred.

Danny W. Shultz
East Brady

BE A Super**ior S.A.D.D. & M.A.D.D. !!! HERO !!! Don’t Use Drugs & Alcohol when you grow up!!!

Danny W. Shultz Booing Gooie Inferior Drug & Alcohol **Users** Everywhere

WHEN You Drink a craft green beer do you puke & S*Tinker A Urin*Ooze*Shun Skunk cabbage green?

Danny W. Shultz Booing Gooie Skunk Green. P*ukers & S*Tinkers Every-where.

DO YOU remember when you could get a pale-yellow beer in a can and it would come out a Pale-Urin*ooze*shun-yellow when you S*tinkled? Now that you have different colored craft Beers do you S*tinkle in different colors or do you still S*tinkle in Pale-Urin*ooze*shun-yellow?

Danny W. Shultz Booing Gooie S*tinkle* ooze*shun craft Beers everywhere.

BOOZE NEWS! Of course beer makes you smarter. Just ask our Gooie Beer Sponsors & Report-ers. They will hire more college kids to clean up your p*uke at your nearest beer garden amusement park rides. I guess your kids will be amused.

Danny W. Shultz Booing Gooie amused beer report-ers & beer sponsors everywhere.

February 2012 has borne no classifieds, no letters to the editor.

Whatever’s keeping Danny out of print, it certainly isn’t want of material… I goggled in shock to see the Eagle run a staff editorial calling for the opening of a “craft brewery” in Butler’s business district (“Butler’s Main Street could get boost from craft beer start-up”, 1/9/2012). Surely, I thought then and think now, this sentiment is guaranteed to bring all kinds of Oooie Gooie Hell down on the editorial board’s heads. Compounding the provocation, their editorial even cited the North Country Brewpub a few miles up the road as a positive model for the downtown Butler version.

The long controversy over the opening of the North County Brewpub kept Danny in furious form through the second quarter of 2002… so what could account for his uncharacteristic silence in the face of such blatant booze advocacy from the newspaper itself?

Is Danny being editorially suppressed?

Is he unwell, or preoccupied? Is he too broke to buy ads?

On Feb 17th, the Eagle ran yet another “kill ’em all” editorial about the necessity of a North-Korea-style approach to drug users, and as before, the libertarian Dr. Adalja wrote in to pitch decriminalization… and still, not a peep from Mr. Shultz.

Something’s Vampire-Fishy.

Yours in Sobriety and Concern,

It’s all about victims

In his letter to the editor of Jan. 15, “Question failed drug war,” Dr. Amesh A. Adalja concluded by saying, “All of the violence and associated crime from drugs stem from the fact that it is criminalized, much like what occurred during Prohibition.”

That’s not true.

The violence and crime aren’t because drugs or alcohol are criminalized. Rather, most of the crime and violence come from the altered state of mind from the binge doping or drinking, or addiction.

It isn’t a war on a person’s right to his or her own body. It is a war on riots after sporting events; mangling and killing of innocent people by way of doped or drunk driving; family abuse, physical, mental and monetary; lost workdays etc.

It isn’t just the deaths, but long-lasting or permanent injuries and disabilities to innocent people resulting from illegal-drug users and drunks.

Prohibition wasn’t to protect dopes and drunks from themselves. It was to protect their innocent victims.

So, dopes and drunks aren’t so harmless and innocent after all.

Danny W. Shultz
East Brady

DEAR Independent Fishy Vote*eers
since you are fed*up with Dee*Moe*Crats & Ree*Pubbly*Can’ts **why** don’t you elect some bald fishy eagle reformists to cong*riss & prissy*dent? Some with kissy fishy bald heads! We need less Gooie Creepy Crawlers.

Danny W. Shultz Booing Gooie Creepy Crawling Kissy*Missy Prissy*dents Wissy*Lissy Leeches*lators everywhere.
